"My son Patrick has been a student of Tim Carroll for 4+ years now.
Amazing results and we continue to see Patrick grow in technical
skills as well as music theory. There is little doubt that any student
of Tim's that practices and follows his musical leadership, will be
benefitted in so many ways. His unique way of blending a student's
needs for musical learning and the necessary skills related to the
instrument, create a great learning experience. I highly recommend
Tim for any student interested in private music lessons."
-Bob Glennan
Last night I heard you playing at the Haddon Twp Library with your family
and was really pleased with the performance. Especially the harmonies
crafted with your sisters... We were most impressed that you all perform
without sheet music... I spoke briefly with your father afterward. That's
how I came upon your website -- it should please you to know that
googling "tim carroll irish music" brought me right to your home page!
We all really loved hearing "Danny Boy" so thanks for that, despite the
fact that you may have grown tired of it after all the apparent requests ;-)
-Scott Early
"We have 2 granddaughters who have taken private lessons
from Tim Carroll for two years. I am amazed at how well he
brings out a love for music in these students. He not only
teaches the violin, he is a great example of a Christian musician."
-Pat and Don